If you've chosen a dental implant as your tooth replacement solution, you probably enjoy the ease with which you can chew and smile! A dental implant at Emery Village Dental is the closest tooth replacement to a natural tooth because it restores your root and tooth. This provides you with the full chewing function you need to eat and enjoy your food and the peace of mind to smile confidently.
Now that you're enjoying your new smile, we want to discuss how to care for and maintain it. Here are some helpful tips for caring for your North York tooth implant.
#1 A Consistent Home Care Routine
Daily brushing and flossing are one of the best ways you can protect your smile. Brushing twice daily for two minutes removes the plaque and bacteria that builds up on your teeth after meals. Flossing removes the buildup from between your teeth.
Eliminating plaque helps protect your smile from tooth decay, which can be the downfall of a dental implant.
#2 Regular Teeth Cleanings and Checkups with Your North York Dentist
Visiting your dentist every six months for professional teeth cleanings and exams is another way to guard the health of your dental implant. Your hygienist will remove any plaque buildup you've missed at home during your teeth cleaning. At the same time, your dentist can spot problems with your implant or other restorations before they become more problematic.
#3 Avoid Hard or Sticky Foods
Like natural teeth, avoiding biting into hard foods directly helps protect your dental implant tooth. Cut hard foods like apples and raw carrots into smaller pieces so you can enjoy them. Avoid sticky foods like taffy or caramels that could pull off your implant crown.
If you have questions about your smile or dental implant care, contact your North York dentist at (437) 900-8266 for answers.