Braces and Invisalign are temporary orthodontic treatments that bring your teeth into straight positions over time. These systems can correct several issues, including:
- Bite misalignment, like overbite
- Crooked, twisted, and overlapping teeth
- Gaps or unusual spacing between teeth
- Midline issues in the smile line
In some cases, braces in North York are the better option for severe orthodontic problems, while Invisalign is ideal for mild to moderate issues. Braces may also be the better option for younger children. However, there are always exceptions. Your North York dentist will evaluate your case and discuss the systems with you, including predictable outcomes for each option.
Despite braces and Invisalign being temporary, the team at Emery Village Dental understands that you’d like to be comfortable during treatment and realize a successful outcome. Continue reading our guide for tips and advice on orthodontic comfort and success!
Braces and Invisalign
Braces are brackets attached to the teeth and threaded with guidewires. You visit the dentist every few weeks for wire adjustments.
Invisalign is a series of clear aligners worn over the teeth. You change your aligners every few weeks to bring your smile in line.
Caring for Braces: Tips for Success and Ease of Wear
Daily Oral and Orthodontic Hygiene
It can be challenging to clean your teeth with braces, but it is vital to do so. For flossing, you can try a floss threader to ensure you don’t pull or snag your wires. Also, brush your teeth in a gentle circular motion, using a mirror if possible.
Regular Exams and Teeth Cleanings
Be sure to keep your regular checkups and teeth cleaning appointments with the dentist. Checkups help ensure no oral health issues are emerging. Cleaning teeth lowers your risk of tooth decay and oral infections, which can compromise your orthodontic treatment.
Dealing with Temporary Discomfort
Braces take a little getting used to, and there is an adjustment period, but this typically improves with time.
Tips to relieve pain can include using an oral anesthetic or by mouth pain reliever purchased at the store. You can also massage the gums or use an icepack temporarily. You may feel the most discomfort after band changes or wire adjustments, but this should improve as the days pass.
Adhere to Dietary Restrictions
Your North York dentist will inform you about foods you should avoid during orthodontic treatment. Following these guidelines is crucial to avoid pain, wire/band damage, and other complications. If ever you’re unsure about a specific food, always contact a member of our dental team.
When to Contact Your Dentist
If you have a toothache or oral pain that does not improve or break a guidewire, you must contact your emergency dentist as soon as possible. Additionally, a team member is always happy to chat if you have questions about your treatment!
Caring for Invisalign: Tips for Success and Ease of Wear
Daily Oral and Orthodontic Hygiene
It is easier to clean your teeth with Invisalign than traditional braces because you can temporarily remove your aligners to brush and floss your teeth. Be sure to brush and floss at least twice daily to prevent oral health issues during treatment.
It would be best to clean your aligners with room temperature water, a mild soap, or Invisalign cleanser during the day to prevent bacteria from collecting beneath your aligners.
Regular Exams and Teeth Cleanings
As with traditional braces, you must continue seeing your dentist for dental exams and teeth cleanings. It would be best to visit your dentist once or twice yearly for preventive care, depending on your oral health. Your dentist will discuss the schedule with you.
Dealing with Temporary Discomfort
You change your Invisalign aligners every few weeks for the next set in the series. Immediately after changing your aligners, you may notice tightness and discomfort. This typically improves with time. You may use a store-bought oral anesthetic or by-mouth pain reliever if medically able. You can also massage the gums and use ice packs periodically.
Adhering to Dietary Restrictions
Fortunately, there are no dietary restrictions with Invisalign. You can remove your aligners when eating!
When to Contact Your Dentist
If you lose or damage your aligner, it’s essential to contact your dentist as soon as possible. Also, if you notice oral health changes like toothaches or sores that don’t heal, always call us.
Our team is always here to answer your questions during Invisalign treatment in North York.
Are You Considering Orthodontics in North York?
If you would like to arrange an orthodontic consultation with the dentist or have questions, contact a member of our dental team today to get started.